Go R.E.D. for Sickle Cell

WE WANT YOU TO GO R.E.D. FOR SICKLE CELL With Sickle Cell Awareness Month underway and our #ONGoesRED contest in full swing, we wanted to introduce the awareness component of [...]


With Sickle Cell Awareness Month underway and our #ONGoesRED contest in full swing, we wanted to introduce the awareness component of our #ONGoesRED campaign, #GoREDforSickleCell

In the past few months, the Association has had some productive and informative meetings with community leaders, physicians, health agencies and local politicians, in order to help us achieve our 3 primary organizational goals.

One of those goals is the creation and implementation of a Universal Hospital Protocol. The protocol would ensure, that no matter which hospital in Ontario a Warrior in crisis goes into, they will be treated promptly, and have the 3 main aspects of treating a Warrior in crisis, IV fluids, pain management and oxygen, begin immediately!

We are still working on this protocol with various health practitioners, agencies and government officials and can not wait to be able to bring this to the Sickle Cell community.

In order to make sure this happens we need YOUR help to raise, and keep raising, awareness for Sickle Cell Disease.



R.EACH OUT to your local politician and let them know you want them to support the Universal Hospital Protocol. Click here to find your local M.P.P.

We also encourage you to REACH OUT to anyone and everyone (community leaders, other local politicians, celebrities, influencers, social entrepreneurs, activists, corporations, etc) you think could help raise awareness for Sickle Cell Disease.

E.DUCATE yourself and others about Sickle Cell Disease, ways to support Sickle Cell Warriors and how you can join the Association and other like it, in fighting the good fight, to give Warriors everywhere the opportunity to live long, productive lives on their terms, just like everybody else.

D.ONATE to the Sickle Cell Association of Ontario or your community Sickle Cell organization however you can. Whether it be your time, money or your unique skill set, help us to ensure the work will continue to be done today, next week and next year.

Remember that the first step in solving any problem is  knowing that there IS a problem . With Sickle Cell Disease affecting thousands of Canadians and millions more around the world each day, it’s imperative to get this message out, far and wide!

So please Help Us, Help Others by Going R.E.D. for Sickle Cell TODAY!


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how you can help.